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How to navigate change and new beginnings

Planning New Beginnings

Mapping A Purposeful Life Journey

Helping you craft your roadmap to change

Lets Plan Your Next Steps To:

  • Confidence Building


    • Speak up more freely in meetings without that knot of anxiety in your stomach?
    • Converse more comfortably in social situations without feeling self-conscious?
    • Go for that promotion or new job opportunity you've been holding yourself back from?
    • Set boundaries confidently with coworkers, friends or family when needed?

    If you answered "yes" to any of those, building genuine self-confidence could be life-changing.

    As your guide, I provide a supportive, judgment-free space to help you get to the root of the self-doubts holding you back.

    Together, we'll work through proven strategies to silence your inner critic, reframe unhelpful thinking patterns, and develop self-acceptance.

    You don't have to stay trapped in shyness or feel like you're just going through the motions. I'll guide you step-by-step to cultivate the confidence to live life more fully and go after what you want without letting fear and insecurity limit you.

    Reach out today for a free consultation to start your confidence journey.

  • Career Change

    Are You Held Back By...

    • Self-doubt about being able to transition successfully into a new field?
    • Anxiety around putting yourself out there and interviewing for different roles?
    • Feeling stuck due to uncertainty about what other careers might be a good fit?
    • Lack of confidence in your abilities to learn new skills for a career change?

    If struggles like these are keeping you trapped in an unsatisfying job, making a career change is possible with the right guidance.

    As your guide, I provide judgment-free support to help you break through the fears and obstacles holding you back.

    Together, we'll get clear on your strengths, values and what truly motivates you so you can find not just a new job - but work that allows you to thrive.

    I'll help you build the confidence to rebrand yourself, upgrade your skills, and nail interviews.

    You don't have to stay stuck - reach out today and let's explore careers that could be an amazing fit.

    My speciality is helping quieter, introverted professionals like yourself replace self-doubt with self-assurance.

    One step at a time, I'll empower you to boldly pursue work you're genuinely excited about. The consultation is free - imagine your life one year from now if you decide to take this first step.

  • Personal Development

    Are You Held Back By...

    • Shyness that prevents you from stepping out of your comfort zone?
    • Self-doubt that you can truly transform into your best self?
    • Uncertainty about where to even begin on your self-improvement journey?
    • Lack of confidence that you have what it takes to achieve your goals?

    As a your guide in personal development, I provide a supportive, judgment-free space to help quiet, introspective women like yourself blossom. You don't have to stay stuck in insecurity or play it safe - I'll guide you step-by-step to:

    • Build authentic self-confidence from the inside out
    • Conquer self-limiting beliefs holding you back
    • Gain clarity on your core values and vision
    • Develop resilience to pursue your dreams boldly

    The path to personal growth begins by investing wholeheartedly in yourself. But you don't have to walk that path alone.

    Together, we'll celebrate your strengths, work through roadblocks, and help you cultivate the self-assurance to create positive change.

    One year from now, you could be thriving with newfound confidence and passion. But it starts by taking one small step today. Reach out for a free consultation - it could mark the beginning of an empowering transformation.

  • Some Other Personal Guidance

    Could You Use Some Professional Guidance For...


    • A personal or professional challenge you've been struggling with alone?
    • An area of your life where you feel stuck, uncertain or held back?
    • A goal or aspiration you want to achieve but lack the confidence to pursue?

    As a your guide, I provide a supportive, judgement-free space to help introspective women like you navigate any hurdle or unlock any area of struggle. You don't have to keep spinning your wheels alone.

    Whether it's relationships, work, self-esteem, motivation, family dynamics - or something entirely unique - together we can get to the heart of what's holding you back. With compassion and expertise, I'll help you:

    • Gain clarity on the root issues and your core needs
    • Reframe limiting beliefs and develop new perspectives
    • Build confidence to start taking action steps forward
    • Uncover your innate strengths to facilitate lasting change

    You don't have to have it all figured out. My role is to provide a safe sounding board, objective insights, and guidance tailored specifically to your personal circumstances and goals. No issue is too big or too small.

    The first step is giving yourself permission to get the support you need and deserve. One year from now, you could be in a drastically different place - but it starts by prioritising your growth today. Reach out to schedule a free consultation.

My Navigating Practice Focus Is About

  • The Journey Begins with Your Self-Reflection


    The Journey Begins with Your Self-Reflection Pause where we shed light on your core values, accomplishments, and aspirations. This conscious self-awareness lays the foundation for your next phase.

    • Greet new phases with self-awareness
    • Identify your intentions
  • Take Purposeful Action Steps

    Taking Action

    Take Purposeful Action Steps and channel your renewed clarity into pursuing opportunities that aligned with your values and intentions. Consistently work towards professional development and nurturing personal fulfilment with intention.

    • Pursue growth opportunities
    • Work towards change, not against it
  • Celebrate Hard-Earned Achievements


    Celebrate Hard-Earned Achievements as pinnacles are reached, bask in the evening glow of your successes - both major milestones and incremental wins. Acknowledging your personal growth is an integral step.

    • Acknowledge all your accomplishments
    • Celebrate all your successes.
  • Integrate Your Previous Experiences


    Integrate Your Previous Experiences as they have shaped you. We want to carry forward those lessons, to help you recalibrate yourself for an even brighter future on the horizon, letting your reflective thoughts lift you higher.

    • Carry forward your learnings
    • Prepare for renewal
  • My Approach

    As women, we often dwell on what's not working, which is the common thing to do but doesn't always lead us to make progress.

    My reflective approach applies to both personal and professional areas like career decisions, finances, family, and personal growth. It's all about tailoring the practice to your unique story - your strengths, limitations, experiences, and past successes.

    I help you recognise and acknowledge your accomplishments and skills to map out the next steps that feel just right for you. Instead of complex goals, we will focus on setting simple intentions that align with your inner voice.

    While I work with men too, my method is rooted in feminist values, intuition, and a non-linear approach. If this resonates with you or if you'd like to learn more, feel free to reach out.

Your Steps To Change

Whether you wish to embark on a new career chapter; move forward due to a divorce or separation; simply want to redefine who you are; build your confidence or instigate change at work, home of just life in general - partner with me as your compassionate guide to help you illuminate the reflective journey ahead.

Together, we will navigate life's complexities. So take the first step into your renewal by scheduling your exploratory consultation today.

Warm Regards

Henrietta- Your Next Step Navigator.

Do This Today! Your Task is to: Make a list of the things that help to energise you.

Do This Today!

Your Task is to: 

Describe a situation where you felt a strong gut instinct but decided to ignore it.

  • What happened afterwards?
  • If given the chance, what would you do differently?

You don't always need a life coach or paid expert; sometimes a few key questions or a chat with a non-judgemental friend are enough to get you thinking and moving towards your next step.

Testimonials - What people are saying?

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I started journalling after the first workshop/session with Henrietta.

Previously I was interested in the idea of journalling but didn't really know where to start.

I found it really inspiring to explore all the different ways or styles to journal in the workshop and since then I've been journalling most days and have found it really nourishing and helpful!

— Felicity Spencer-Smith

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I found myself in a negative and stumped mind set with no focus or direction.

With Henrietta's guidance, patience and thought provoking questions I am now starting a new project that I am passionate about.

If you have reservations or just need a steer in the right direction. Henrietta is definitely the right person to guide you through.

— Anna A

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Henrietta gave me the confidence to look at things from a different perspective as she is non-judgemental and easy to talk to. 

She has helped me to re-evaluate what is important to me and this has enabled me to make decisions for myself and for my family. 

I highly recommend her coaching service.

— Susanne N